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How we work

Up front Design

People meeting

Initial Designs and Information gathering

The design process starts with the land. We need to determine the lot parameters, what is needed for improvements and what barriers are in place. There can be significant costs just to prepare your lot for the build. The land can also dictate the how the home can be placed on the site. Once we have determined the site parameters we move to the home design its self. Often times people will bring in ideas of what we they like and we work from there.

Plan papers

Plan Design

Once we have determined a scope of work and budget, we start the design process. We will work together to create a floor plan that suits your needs. We do this in house in real time. Once we have completed the floor plans, we will identify the specification you would like and we turn the information to our home designer. The home designer will create a working set of plans to build off of. We will also use this information to determine the budget.

calculator and pencil

Estimating and Contract

Once the plans are completed and all of our specifications are determined, we will send the plans out for bid. The more information we have upfront, the more accurate a price we can give you later. Once we have determined what we are agreeing to complete, we package the plans, specifications and terms of our work into a contract package. The contract package will include the price of the home and identify what is hard bid vs allowance items.

Pre construction work

saving piggy bank


There are 2 types of bank financing, construction loan, and turn key. Turn key loans are through the builder. Turn key construction requires a larger deposit and additional expenses for closing. Genrally, the interest rate is higher than a construction loan. In addition we have to have 2 closings, the first is with the builder, second there is a purchase of the home by you from the builder. This requires double the closing costs and an extra transfer tax of the property.

approved stamp

Survey work and permitting

Once your construction agreement has been sent to the bank, they will need a few weeks to approve the loan. In that time we will begin the permitting process. Different properties have different requirements for what is needed. Rural properties need soil testing and a sanitary permit, a driveway access permit, an erosion control permit, a zoning permit and finally a building permit.


Pre start meeting


Before we put a shovel in the ground we like to have a meeting to determine how everything went with financing and see if we need to change anything about the project.

The build


Site work and foundation

Site work is comprised of clearing the lot including top soil. This might include tree removal, demolition of a house and other debris. Next we will stake the foundation on the lot and dig the basement. Footings and foundation are next with any associated under ground utilities needed. Once the foundation has had time to cure, we will water proof the foundation walls and backfill.


Framing and dry in

In this phase we will construct the shell of the house. The framing of the house is critical to a good build. We work with really good framers and knowledgeable suppliers to ensure your home is built correctly. Dry in includes the Tyvek house wrap, roof, siding, windows and exterior doors.

house siding

Exterior Finishes

While you live on the inside of your home, the majority of the world see the outside. We choose to work with top quality products as well as unique reclaimed items such as barn wood. The exterior includes the roof, siding, windows and doors. Porch details, lighting and masonry finish off the look. We pride our selves in architecturally correct designs and the appropriate finishes that give your home the look it deserves.

electric box


Next we have mechanicals. This includes plumbing, heating and cooling, electric and insulation. Once mechanicals are completed, the local building inspector makes sure we have done everything correctly before we cover the walls up.

interior stairs

Interior Finishes

The interior is the most extensive part of the project. This includes drywall, flooring, trim details lighting and appliances to name a few. It is critical that materials are ordered early on to avoid construction delays and costs.



Landscaping is the final step of the project. Landscaping and flatwork can be challenging in Wisconsin due to our weather. Generally, the longer you wait to complete the concrete of finish grade the better. Each time the ground gets rained on, things settle. Settling can lead to concrete cracking and negative drainage around the foundation. We work with knowledgeable subcontractors to determine what the best course of action should be.

Things to consider

It seems there are more choices than ever for home finishes. From paint to appliances, there is an amazing amount of things that can be done.

mock up

Material Selections

When we develop a home package, we use our trusted vendors. Our vendors have product lines they trust and know how to install. Our homes are our product. We need to know early on what you would like in your home so that we can prepare for it. Appliances affect the plumber, HVAC contractor, electrician, cabinet maker to name a few.

interior doorway


20 years ago there were 2 choices in trim, oak and white. There were 2 colors of paint, white and off white. These days there is an infinite number of colors, sheens and stains. If you know up front you want painted walls in a finish other than flat, we need to know this and prepare for it. One coat can go on prior to trim then a finish coat goes on after the house has been cleaned and no one else is going in and out. A satin finish that requires a touch will reflect light differently than

old tools

Rural lots and infill lots

When considering a lot or land, there are many things to consider. Lots in old neighborhoods often times was the weekend burn site. We have found paint cans' burnt bed springs, oozing oil cans and other interesting things. Rural lots generally are in need of improvements that are not seen in a neighborhood lot. Things needed include a bigger driveway, well and septic, grading and other utilities. The further the house is from the road, the more expensive things will be.

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